1130 Pine Street, Paso Robles, CA 93446
April 1, 2018


PASO Magazine


By Meagan Friberg

It’s been just over 10 years since the founding of Studios on the Park, almost nine years since Studios opened its doors to the public, and the artists are ready to celebrate! STUDIOS ROOTS: The Alumni Show will feature works of the amazing artists, past and present, that have made Studios what it is today.

The community is invited to join in the celebration and enjoy the exhibit in the Atrium Gallery April 5-29. An opening night reception will be held at Studios, located at 1130 Pine St. in Paso Robles, during the monthly Art After Dark event on April 7 from 6-9 p.m.

“At its heart, Studios on the Park is about people – our visitors, students, donors, volunteers, our neighbors, staff, business and community leaders, and artists,” said Sasha Irving of Studios. “After ten years, we are deeply grateful for how all of these individuals have embraced our dream of the arts in Paso Robles and made it a reality. Studios has become their art studio. With STUDIOS ROOTS: The Alumni Show, we celebrate the amazing artists, past and present, who have made Studios what it is today.”

Artist Tom Peck, one of the founding members of Studios, is the show’s organizer. When he sent letters to the artists to garner interest, the responses he received were more than enthusiastic. Each artist has been asked to choose just one piece for the show that best represents their work.

“It’s been quite interesting to see what these talented artists come up with when given the challenge of choosing just one piece out of all of their work,” Peck said. “This truly is an interesting dynamic and the reaction from the artists has been fantastic.”

More than 100 artists have been part of Studios over the years, and 50+ will have their work on display during the alumni show. The mediums are diverse – photography, painting, sculptures, glasswork, textiles, and more – an eclectic exhibit of art from a wide range of disciplines.

“What is really amazing is that within all those different categories there is a consistently high level of talent,” Peck said. “These artists are the DNA of Studios, they are its roots. To be able to see all of this brought together in one place is going to be not only fun, but very impressive. The people of our community just might be surprised and delighted to see the incredible talent that is among them.”

For more information on STUDIOS ROOTS: The Alumni Show and a full list of participating artists, go to

**There’s more happening at Studios!**

Middle School Art EXHIBIT runs through May 15
Paso Robles Joint Unified School District Gallery
At Studios on the Park, 1130 Pine St. in Paso Robles

Featuring artwork from fine art programs at Flamson and Lewis middle schools.
On exhibit are pieces by Flamson’s Daniel Parks and Lewis’ Tracie Gonzales.
Many pieces are for sale, with student artists receiving 80% commission on all sales.


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