1130 Pine Street, Paso Robles, CA 93446
July 8, 2015

Verdito Signing at Art After Dark Paso

By Robert "Rosey" Rosenthal

Verdito Signing at Art After Dark Paso

Dear Friends,

You are invited to ART AFTER DARK PASO ROBLES.

Saturday evening, July 11, 6pm to 9pm at

Studios on the Park, 1130 Pine Street, Paso Robles

Barbara and I are members of this vital community studio/gallery non-profit and know you will enjoy the music, wine tasting, special THREE SPENSERS art exhibit plus

The public showing and book signing of Verdito. After many years of starts and stops; this short illustrated fable is finished and published! Rosey and I will be celebrating with our book signing at the Paso Robles Art After Dark event in Studios on the Park. We will also have our jumbo prints from the Steam Roller Printing event at the Paso ArtsFest this past May. And a few other froggy prints and fun things.

Please join us and tell all your friends!

Barbara and "Rosey" Rosenthal



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