"I first saw Judy's painting of the Piedras Blancas Lighthouse when she entered it in a National Watercolor Society annual exhibition. She had chosen an unusual point of view, employed strong draftmanship and a simple color scheme with a deft, almost stylized structure. It was eye-popping." - Chris Van Winkle
"I feel in awe of the elements of nature that surrounds me: the mountain range, the ocean, the forests and streams. The wildlife and the wildflowers therein capture my admiration equally.
"My friends associate washes and glazes with my work. They probably don't realize that I consider that a risk-free way of painting. I use good paper with a tough surface, usually Arches 300- lb. cold-pressed, and nonstaining paints for my plein air work. These materials not only allow for the removal of paint for corrections or changes, but also allow the first layers of paint to blend into subsequent glazes, thus softening the landscape painting. In contrast, I often use staining paints in my studio work, because I've laid out a definite plan.
"Years ago I received some good advice from a painting buddy, Art V.R., to standardize my surfaces. Since I frame all my own pieces, it does save time and money to standardize. For example, by painting on full-sheets, 1/2-sheets or 1/4-sheets of 22x30-inch watercolor paper, I get the most use out of a 32x40-inch matboard"