1130 Pine Street, Paso Robles, CA 93446

Young Savages

February 28 - March 31, 2013

Young Savages

February 28 - March 31, 2013
Atrium Gallery

Studios on the Park is proud to present this landmark showcase curated by Neal Breton. On exhibit are signature pieces of formidable spirit and regional importance.

The word “savage” takes on several meanings-- as a noun, it means primitive or uncivilized; as an adjective it describes an animal or force of nature; a verb weaponizes it into an attack.

The Young Savages Collective defies conventional description. Some of them aren’t young (two are 38, and a handful more are in their mid-30’s), and they aren’t really a collective in their grouping. Some of this “collective” has yet to cross paths, some prefer complete reclusion.

The Young Savages are a loose collection of talented, ascending artists—some use skin as their normal canvas, some use walls, some are commercial in their wares and some prefer to show their work only to their close friends. Some have sold paintings for years and some are embarking upon their first show here at Studios on the Park.


Featured Artists
Neal Breton
Lauren Buzzetti
Reid Cain
Julian Calvillo
Jeff Claassen
Jamie Coxon
Chris Daily
Drew Davis
Alister Dippner
Erica Hamilton
Lakin Hamilton
Lisa Harrison
Ty Hjortland
Jason Hudson
Kyle Naylor
Scott Osborn
Chloe Parks
Mustache Pete
Jordan Quintero
Beth Reninger
Lena Rushing
Nick Wilkinson
Isaac Yorke



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