At its heart, Studios on the Park is about people – our visitors, students, donors, volunteers, our neighbors, staff, business and community leaders, and artists. After ten years, we are deeply grateful for how all of these individuals have embraced our dream of the arts in Paso Robles and made it a reality. Studios has become their art studio. With Studios Roots: The Alumni Show, we celebrate 55 of the amazing artists, past and present, who have made Studios what it is today.
Former Studios on the Park artist-in-residence Tom Peck organized this exhibition. “It’s been quite interesting to see what these talented artists come up with when given the challenge of choosing just one piece out of all of their work,” Peck said. “This truly is an interesting dynamic and the reaction from the artists has been fantastic. What is really amazing is that within all the mediums there is a consistently high level of talent. These artists are the DNA of Studios, they are its roots. To be able to see all of this brought together in one place is going to be not only fun, but very impressive. The people of our community just might be surprised and delighted to see the incredible talent that is among them.”
Featured Artists
Anna Meyrick
Anne Laddon
Barbara Rosenthal
Barry Lundgren
Betty Wick
Carol Timson Ball
Carol Tucker
Dean M. Crawford Jr.
Deb Hofstetter
Debra Jurey
Dennis Curry
Donald R. Eaton
Eric Spencer
Greg Simmons
Harold Spencer
Helen K. Davie
Hellie Blythe
Henry A. J. Ramos
Jeanette Wolff
Jim Tyler
Joe Thomas
John Barnard
Jordan Hockett
Judy Lyon
Kabe Russell
Larry Kappen
Larry Le Brane
Laure Carlisle
Lee Michetti
Linda Lewis
Lynee Sapere
Lynn Kishiyama
Margrete Koreska
Mark Spencer
Michael Miller & Peggy Vrana
Nancy Becker
Pat Cairns
Peg Grady
Peggy Turk
Penelope Kimball
Phil Wright
Randy Stromsoe
Robert "Rosey" Rosenthal
Robert John Isapony Novenjero Vesnaver
Robert Simola
Sally Tippman
Sarah Winkler
Sharon Sobraske
Stephanie Wilbanks
Susanna Hoy
Tamara Thornton
Terez Tyni
Tom Peck
Vincent Bernardy
WB Eckert