Do you feel like you are perpetually peeling an onion to get to the fruit in the middle? "Layers" is a show of works in paint, collage, and assemblage of varied theme, from Lena Rushing and Josh Talbott. A wide spectrum of human enjoyments and contemplations, from playful to somber in mood. Rich colors and guaranteed conversation starters, these works are an invitation to come and be yourself and enjoy every layer.
About Lena Rushing
Lena Rushing is a California Central Coast narrative artist committed to connecting with the public through art. Rushing supports a variety of local non profit organizations by offering art to auction for fundraising events and volunteers her time, sharing lessons in art with children at her neighborhood school.
Lena’s cathartic narratives portray strong, striking women shrouded in unnerving subtext. The protagonist in each piece is often in the company of animals and other symbols of her predicament. Whether meticulously constructing shadowboxes or wielding a paintbrush Lena Rushing’s provocative imagery is testimony to her boundless imagination and artistic perseverance.
About Josh Talbott
As with anything worth while the hurdles and dead ends have been numerous. This is the inherent challenge of being self taught. The beginning of the story of Josh as an artist should focus on the raw materials; a sense of wonder, playfulness, and an inquisitive nature. A boy completely immersed in drawing. With its meditative and insightful qualities creating art was a severe addiction that continues today in his dedication in refining his skills as a painter. The focus of his upbringing was integrity, hard work, and individuality. Creating murals and scenic art for film and theme parks led him to New Orleans where Josh sold paintings on Royal Street to people from all over the world. Stormy weather inspired an empty pocket trip cross country and was instrumental in his exposure to the beauty of the southwest and California. In addition to painting, he loves his garden and can often be found afloat on the ocean.