1130 Pine Street, Paso Robles, CA 93446

First Crush

January 31 - February 24, 2013

First Crush

January 31 - February 24, 2013
Atrium Gallery

Whether you were seven or 17, everyone remembers their first love. Few experiences will ever be as intense and overwhelming as your first crush. Relive the butterflies, handholding and heartbreak through “First Crush," a special invitational exhibition of paintings, collage, and mixed media from some of the Central Coast’s finest artists during February 2013.

Special reproductions from "First Crush" will be given to donors at the annual Sweet Art Fundraising Luncheon. The 2013 luncheon on Tuesday, February 12 is in honor of Paso Robles wine industry pioneer Gary Eberle and will feature a delicious lunch by Cass Catering and lots and lots of art. All funds raised at this event will be donated to the 2013 Festival of the Arts., an annual festival connecting world-class artists, the Paso Robles community, and visitors of all ages on Memorial Day Weekend. For more information on the luncheon contact Studios on the Park: 

Featured Artists
Carol Ball
William Bateman
Hellie Blythe
Laure Carlisle
Helen K Davie
Sharon Gellerman
Susanna Hoy
Emily Jagger
Anne Laddon
Rusty Lipscomb
Judy Lyon
Kate Moldauer
Monika Roe
Lena Rushing
Millicent Sabin
Sharon Sobraske
Harold Spencer
Peggy Turk
Jim Tyler
Robert Simola



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