By virtue of their call to personal expression, artists are on the front lines of processing and communicating their experience into visual form. In a world that seems increasingly chaotic, divisive, and uncertain, curator Missy Reitner-Cameron asked artists to share how they respond, engage and heal in 2019.
In Common Ground 2019 viewers are invited to see how artists are engaging with our current political landscape and representing their beliefs, anxieties and ideals through their strikingly original visions. Whether through abstraction, irony, satire or space, this show invites dialogue between the artist and viewer with the hope that, through art, we can find the common ground essential for our future.
Featured Artists
Jan Aijian
Donald Archer
Jenny Ashley
Rosana Aziernicki
Mark Bryan
Carolyn Chambers
Robbie Conal
Helen K Davie
Nancy Dorobiala
WB Eckert
Julie Frankel
Scott Froschauer
Richard Fusillo
Peg Grady
Bill Green
Kat Green
K Ryan Henisey
Jordan Hockett
Kirstin Kallal
Dennis Kish
Anne Laddon
Diana Licon
Colleen Marlow
Richard Mortensen
Jean Obermeier
Susan Owen
Liz Phillips
Jordan Quintero
Maggie Ragatz
Dara Rosenwasser
Lena Rushing
Susan Schafer
Lori Slater
Wade Smith
Linda Grone Smith
Kira Smith
Tracy Taylor
Dianne Vantomme
Stephanie Wilbanks
Exhibition Related Special Events
Art After Dark Paso
Saturday, January 5: 6-9 pm
Celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. & Finding Common Ground
Monday, January 21